Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank starts the broadcast by addressing the question, Have I “Left the Christian Faith”?
Questions and Answers:
- I am thinking of leaving the Roman Catholic church and joining the Orthodox church. Could you provide any evidence against the supremacy of the Pope?
- When you recited the Nicene Creed recently, I believe you left out the word “catholic”. Could you mention why you did this, and also explain the meaning of “catholic” in this context?
- Are there any particular scriptures you could point me to that deal with addictions—specifically the addiction of smoking?
- Could you explain the portion of Ephesians 5:26 that deals with cleansing by the water of the word?
- Where do you find in the scriptures that Jesus fell three times while carrying the cross?
- After the resurrection when Mary encounters Jesus, what does He mean when He tells her not to cling to Him?
- Where did the giants after the flood come from?
- Have you heard of the Hebrew Roots movement? The scriptural references to the Passover indicate that it is to be kept forever. Why don’t we observe the Passover?