On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (07/03/24), Hank answers the following questions:

  • Whether someone is straight or gay, I think we should all have equal rights. What are your thoughts? Dave – Winter Haven, FL (1:02)
  • Why shouldn’t homosexuals have equal rights? We don’t ban alcohol, so why should we ban same-sex marriage? David – Raleigh, NC (3:37)
  • My friend’s wife died, and he is blaming God for it. How can I help him deal with this situation? Allan – Brentwood, TN (15:14)
  • Why do Christians oppose polygamy when there are many examples of it in the Bible? Jeff – St. Louis, MO (20:03)
  • What is meant by the statement that if we persevere, we will receive the crown of life? Debra – Olive Branch, MS (23:02)


Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:

Speaking Of Homosexuality: A Christian Response to the Arguments of the Gay Rights Movement

Speaking of Homosexuality and When Homosexuality Hits Home by Joe Dallas

Does Its Condemnation of Homosexuality Demonstrate That the Bible Is Antiquated?

Understanding Our Response To LGBT Culture

Has God Spoken? Memorable Proofs of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration by Hank Hanegraaff

To Defend Marriage, We Should Learn a Lesson from Apologetics

Has God Spoken? Memorable Proofs of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration by Hank Hanegraaff

Does the Bible Promote Polygamy?

Polygamy and Concubinage in the Old Testament

Resurrection by Hank Hanegraaff

Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life by Hank Hanegraaff

AfterLife: What You Need To Know about Heaven, the Hereafter and Near-Death Experiences by Hank Hanegraaff


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