Volume 40:Issue 2
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04 From the Editor
Seizing Apologetics Moments
06 Effective Evangelism
Engaging Unbelievers Philosophically
08 Practical Hermeneutics
Does the Book of Isaiah Idealize Vegetarianism?
10C. S. Lewis: Defender of the Faith
by Donald T. Williams
Contemporary Apologetics (Effective Evangelism): C. S. Lewis was the greatest apologist of the twentieth century, and he continues to serve as a practical role model today for winsome Christian apologetics. Donald T. Williams perceptively identifies several lessons we can learn from observing Lewis’s approach.
18 The Abolition of Man Today
by Adam C. Pelser
Contemporary Apologetics: In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis envisioned that the growing acceptance of moral subjectivism would lead to a pernicious moral and eugenic manipulation of mankind. While not everything Lewis foresaw has yet occurred, the book’s prophetic warning remains as relevant today as in Lewis’s own day, especially in light of increasing moral relativism and recent developments in biotechnology.
26Three Ways to Teach Your Kids Apologetics (Without Them Realizing It)
by Paul M. Gould and Ethel M. Gould
Practical Apologetics: Parents want their children to know what they believe and why they believe it and to love the right things in the right way; but it is not easy to retain the attention span of children for a lecture in apologetics. Paul and Ethel Gould share three ways they have taught their kids apologetics effectively without them even knowing it.
34The Ethics of Modern Board and Card Games
by Richard J. Poupard
Cultural Discernment: Board and card games offer a means for social interaction as well as creative and ethical decision making, but Christians should not participate in activities closely mimicking forbidden and evil behavior. How can Christians determine which board games are suitable for them and their family?
44How to Approach Apparent Contradictions in the Gospels: A Response to Michael Licona
by Craig L. Blomberg
Biblical Apologetics (A Summary Critique): Building on a broad scholarly consensus that the New Testament Gospels adopt many conventions of ancient histories and biographies, Michael Licona’s new book, Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?, offers a detailed study of one important ancient Greek biographer, Plutarch. How should we assess the applications Licona draws from Plutarch for explaining differences in the Gospel narratives?
54 Reviews
A Summary Critique:A Summary Critique: Larry Shapiro’s The Miracle Myth…Film Review: HBO’s Abortion: Stories Women Tell
58 Viewpoint
All Sins Are Not the Same
60 Postmodern Realities
Choose Your Own Enchantment: Freedom and Conscience in What We Watch
62 Ask Hank
How Can We Be Sure about the Resurrection of Christ?
Please note the following Articles appeared as Online-exclusives. For purposes of Academic citation, it would be considered part of this Volume and Number.
These only appeared online only and are not in a any type of printed bound Magazine style publication.
The Shack Movie – Heretical or Healing?
by Adam C. Pelser
by Seth Gruber